Why Self-Awareness is Important

You turn the T.V on and there is an ad to show a new product on how to take care of your health. You go on your phone and pick your go-to social media. You see #selfcaresundays. You go to the doctors and they give you the list of all the things you need to do to make your life healthier. You go to your weekly therapist appointment and she tells you how to work on yourself mentally. NOW you are reading a blog about creating self-awareness. 

Now you might be asking yourself: 

What is the big hype? 

How do I start, when I am being told to do so much at once?

How is everyone else able to do it, but I can’t figure it out? 

Why is Self-Awareness Important? Every day we are being told things that we need to “work” on. When we go to the doctors, they tell us we need to eat better and workout. Our family friends may tell us that we are always late, or we need to be more organized. This doesn't include the thoughts we have in our own heads. 

What I want you to take away from this, is that self-awareness will help with all of that “noise”. Having self-awareness, helps you become knowledgeable of your wants and needs. It helps you grow because you become aware of your qualities and some things you may want to work on. Self-awareness: We become aware of thoughts, and how we react based on these thoughts. We are able to gain self-confidence because we will know ourselves better. Brings us clarity. We become aware of our qualities and of things we may not have known about ourselves that we may want to work on. We live busy lives and are always on the go. This has us living on autopilot sometimes, When we live on autopilot, we are not aware of our surroundings. When we live on autopilot or focus on our busy schedules. We tend to avoid things we need to work on for ourselves.

Start slow, work on yourself every day just for a few minutes.


How to Begin Your Daily Self-Care-5 Ways to Implement Self-Care


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