Create The Time.

Time Management 

While driving between two jobs at the age of 24 I got into a car accident.  I wanted to know why I was so tired and why I fell asleep at the wheel. My doctor told me that my lifestyle had to change because I was burning myself out.This confused me because on paper I was doing everything “right”. I worked a full time job, part time job, grad school at night, volunteered on the weekend, ate healthy and worked out. ~ What could possibly be wrong? 

I started my healing  journey by reading all the self help books, taking the meditation classes and yoga classes. I started to see change, but I wanted more of an everyday change. I noticed in books and my classes there was one thing in common: be consistent. To be consistent, I needed to make time for myself and my life priorities on a daily basis. Here are a few ways you can implement time management starting today. Stress is a reaction to change, even if it is a positive change you are going to have a reaction - choose just one. 

  • Eisenhower Box - President Eisenhower was known for delegating. I want you to think about your todo list. Are you able to delegate?  This can be at home or at work, can you have assistance with some of your to do list?

  • Jessica JTY Time management - I love the Eisenhower Box, I needed somewhere to start. I decided to create my todo list into categories. This helped me focus on the priorities for my everyday todo list. 

  • SMART Goal - What goal are you trying to accomplish? It is great to have goals, and want to reach them, but what steps do you need to take to get there? How realistic are you making your goals? 

    • Specific - actions and desirable results

    • Measurable - How will you know if you achieved your goal?

    • Attainable - possible challenges - but not going to stop you. 

    • Relevant - purpose? Is this important to you?

    • Time -Frame- when does this start and end?

Above is to get you started, just as I did years ago. I started by stepping outside with my cup of coffee and journal. My goal every morning was to drink the coffee while it was hot. I then added reading a page a day to then writing one sentence a day in my journal a day. Time management and stress management start with small steps that can build into consistency. 

Here is the download for the Time Management that includes the Eisenhower box and my version of the time management guide.  

Bio: Jessica Harrington, received her Master in Public Health at West Chester University. She is the owner of Journey to Yourself, is a speaker, and  stress management health educator. Through her career and education, she realized that we all have a common issue—everyone, at some point or another, struggles with handling stress. Through her own life journey, Jessica created Journey To Yourself.









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