”You will leave
the workshop
not tired,
but ready to
take on the day.”
Reduce Your Employees Stress.
How are you bringing mental health awareness and stress reduction to your field guys? My program starts with a quick assessment followed with hands on interactive educational workshops, that provide accountability and resources.
Is your business in need of the tools to help them become more productive and happy at the same time?
Outcomes of Programs Can Include:
Field guys and office people communicate effectively
Create a work-life balance.
Older generation and new generation supporting one another.
Learn what your employees and yourself want/need when dealing with stress and work challenges.
My name is Jessica Harrington, MPH and I am an in-demand speaker on the topics of stress management and burnout at companies specifically in the Philadelphia area. As you know these skills are incredibly important for your employees. This is why I have created a six-month series workshop focusing on habits and tools for employees. I also offer coaching for your employees on these topics.
Stress Reduction Workshop
First Session: Introduction Session
I will touch on teamwork, creating awareness of stress, and habits you can start today. I'd like you to start with this session to create an understanding of what is needed for your employees.
A typical monthly (can be quarterly) breakdown is as follows:
Session Topics: are flexible and can work with your employees' needs
Examples of Topics:
Session 1: How To Heal From Stress
Session 2: Stress Less & Communicate With Success
Session 3: Learn Your Burnout Solution
Session 4: Work/Life Balance
Session 5: Team Building
Session 6: Mindfulness Habits
Our Packages
Option 1
Monthly Workshops;
Six-month series.
I've included the session outline above.
JTY Journals included for employees
Option 2
One-time guest speaker;
How To Heal From Stress!
Five habits to help relieve stress; are communication, environment, mindfulness, acceptance, and self-care.
Option 3
Option One, plus;
Employee Coaching.
Monthly Coaching
-Set up virtual for a day
(e.g. 9:00am-2:00pm)
Stress Management
Monthly Workshops
Engaging and Impactful
Jessica was a delightful, engaging and impactful speaker at our roundtable. We were all glad to have her!
Date of experience: July 25, 2023
Jessica attended our company meeting to…
Jessica attended our company meeting to speak on "Stress Management" which was perfect for our employees as they are dealing with customers and working in crews daily, sometimes high-stress environments. She was informative and really pushed our employees to participate in the session. She was easy to relate to, listen to and she seems understanding and compassionate. We will be having her back in the future!
Date of experience: February 01, 2022